Know Your Business (KYB)

Know Your Business (KYB) is a process designed to verify another company’s (corporate client) identity, similar to how Know Your Customer (KYC) works for verifying user (individual client) identity. KYB is also part of the mandatory Anti-Money Laundering (AML) framework, which requires financial institutions to check their business partners, third parties, and any potential companies that they consider working with and starting a business relationship with. 

The KYB process’ importance goes beyond compliance regulations. It helps assess whether the company is legitimate and isn’t involved in any sort of criminal activity. In this sense, KYB helps break down the true ownership structure, identifying and verifying key company data (like address and registration number) and its shareholders, directors, and other stakeholders that potentially could be involved in corruption, sanctions evasion, or other crimes. 

Frequently asked questions


Which Compliance Regulations Involve the KYB Process?


The KYB process is relatively new compared to KYC. However, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) introduced KYB requirements in its Final Rule of Customer Due Diligence (CDD). Although KYB regulations vary by jurisdiction, they generally require businesses to adopt a risk-based approach to AML and perform due diligence, which means conducting stricter checks on high-risk entities, both individuals and companies. 

So, for KYB compliance regulations, it’s important to focus on two factors: ensuring that you’re conducting due diligence and aren’t linked to any criminal activity, including through any of your business relationships. 


What is an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) in KYB?


Who Typically Uses Know Your Business Verification?


How Do KYB Checks Look in Practice?


What Company Information Should You Verify for KYB?


What is Sanctions Screening in KYB Compliance?


What Practical Tips Make Know Your Business Measures Effective?


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