Face Authentication

Face authentication, also sometimes referred to as facial recognition, is a biometric technology that is designed to verify users, granting them access to various services. This includes both physical locations and online platforms, such as banks, fintechs, prop-tech platforms, and so on. Regulated industries use face authentication as an extra Know Your Customer (KYC) measure, often combined with document verification checks, or as a way to re-authenticate users before high-risk situations. 

The face authentication process compares the user’s facial biometric data with stored information, such as a previously provided ID document’s photo, and verifies their identity by denying or authorizing access to online services, items, or physical areas. The software uses biometric algorithms and liveness detection technology that prompts the user to follow instructions, such as nodding or moving their face in a certain direction, to see if they are actively present during the verification session. This prevents deepfakes and other fraudulent attempts to bypass the system. 

Frequently asked questions


What is Face ID Verification?


Face ID verification is another term for face authentication, often used by RegTech service providers in the context of customer onboarding and remote identity verification. This procedure is designed to verify a customer’s identity by scanning their face and unique physical features before granting access to a service. In simple terms, face ID verification confirms the user’s identity and is known to be a more user-friendly Know Your Customer (KYC) measure compared to traditional or manual verification methods


What is Liveness Detection in Face Authentication?


What is the Difference Between Passive and Active Liveness?


How Does Face Authentication Work?


When is the Face Authentication Process Used?


What is Customer Reverification?


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