Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

Anti-money laundering (AML) is a series of legal frameworks, regulations, and procedures designed to detect and expose illicit funds that are disguised as legitimate earnings. Its primary goal is to combat the laundering of unlawfully acquired funds by criminal or terrorist organizations.

AML is governed by regulations at both national and international levels, compelling entities within the financial industry, such as banks, fintech companies, and insurers, to establish internal procedures and controls while reporting to relevant authorities. Failure to comply with AML regulations can have significant repercussions for banks, including hefty non-compliance fines. 

Frequently asked questions


Why is Anti-Money Laundering Important?


AML is important because it helps safeguard business operations, sustain the economy, and fulfill moral obligations. By actively monitoring for potential fraud and illegal activities, financial institutions can minimize the chances of illegal transactions. Specifically, compliance with AML laws enables financial institutions to prevent financial crime and avoid sanctions or fines.


What is the AML Process for Companies?


What is the Anti-Money Laundering Act?


What are the Five Pillars of AML?


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