Know Your Merchant (KYM)

Know Your Merchant (KYM) is a due diligence measure for assessing risks linked with a new business relationship with a merchant. This includes verifying business information, including checking financial history or various documents, to confirm that the other business/partner is legitimate and not involved in any fraudulent activity. 

The KYM process aims to ensure a secure merchant onboarding process, which is vital for payment service providers (PSPs), such as credit card companies, to sign up new clients in a compliant way and evaluate potential merchants before allowing them to provide services on their network. Simply put, Know Your Merchant measures are necessary because financial services carry a higher risk of fraud.

Frequently asked questions


Is Merchant KYC and KYB the Same Thing?


Merchant KYC, or Know Your Customer, as well as KYB, also known as Know Your Business, are terms that are used interchangeably to describe the stages in the Know Your Merchant onboarding process:

  • During KYC, merchants provide specific information (such as proof of address, bank account details, business registration number, and other details) to the payment processor for verification.
  • During KYB, the company checks whether the other entity isn’t subject to sanctions or adverse media coverage, wasn’t fined or suspended for regulatory violations, isn’t involved in financial crime or fraud, and what its risks regarding money laundering or terrorist financing are.

Which Compliance Regulations Require KYM Measures?


How Does Merchant Onboarding Work?


What Document Do You Need for Merchant Onboarding?


Who is Involved in the Merchant Onboarding Process?


What is Merchant Monitoring in KYM Compliance?


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