Erika Recommends Working in a Startup Early in Your Career

While we’re enjoying the summer heat and the long joyful nights, we might as well learn more about the people behind iDenfy. So sit back and relax, as today we’re presenting our Client Relations Manager, Erika Simanavičiūtė. She’s one of our youngest and most passionate team members. Did you know that the bright mind started […]

While we’re enjoying the summer heat and the long joyful nights, we might as well learn more about the people behind iDenfy. So sit back and relax, as today we’re presenting our Client Relations Manager, Erika Simanavičiūtė. She’s one of our youngest and most passionate team members. Did you know that the bright mind started her career at iDenfy in high school?

That’s right, the enthusiastic team player has been an incredible asset and continues to surprise us with her evolving skills every day. Take a sneak peek into what Erika likes to do in her free time and keep reading to learn more about what it’s like to be part of iDenfy.

A Quick Intro

Hello, everyone! I’m Erika Simanavičiūtė, and I currently work as a Client Relations Manager at iDenfy. Over the years, this place has become like a second home. Every day is different here. Every shift becomes more interesting to me. I’m juggling multiple projects at once – I’m studying and working. That’s the best part since I don’t like to wait and sit around for things to happen. Currently, my life reminds me of a roller coaster, and yet I love this crazy ride.

The Golden Ticket 

Greta, iDenfy’s HR Director, was the one who recommended me and inspired me to join iDenfy. I received an invitation to start my career here while I was still in high school. You can say it was a gift for my 18th birthday. I’m glad that I had a mentor who knew my skills and my passion for technology. It’s easier to improve and reach your career goals when you are pointed in the right direction.

All Sorts of Hobbies

My friends like to joke around that I’m the busiest bee of all. I don’t see any tasks as impossible to achieve at work. Since I know how to plan and set my priorities, I also try to maintain a busy life after work. On top of that, I have many hobbies, which I see as a unique trait. The biggest place in my heart goes for basketball because I spent nine years on the court, which, when I think about it, is nearly a decade. 

From Basketball to Modeling

Basketball has set the ground for many values, especially teamwork. I learned what it’s like to be part of a community and how to understand my teammates. What others don’t understand is that basketball is not just a simple sport. It takes a lot of skills and strategic thinking to be a good player. As a model, I actually saw how vital self-confidence is. Modeling isn’t all fun and games as many want to imagine.

From Basketball to Modeling

As I have noted, basketball has set the ground for many values, especially teamwork. I learned what it’s like to be part of a community and how to understand my teammates. What others don’t understand is that basketball is not just a simple sport. In particular, it takes a lot of skills and strategic thinking to be a good player. As a model, I actually saw how vital self-confidence is. Modeling isn’t all fun and games as many want to imagine.

The Perfect Antidote

I have a lot on my plate at this stage of my life. I’m working and studying; therefore, sometimes time is against me. Not going to lie – it can get stressful. If I’m not at work, I spend most of my time on various university projects. But wait, there’s a twist! My best friend lives in Klaipėda, and I try to see her as often as possible. The sea works wonders for me. It’s the perfect remedy to make you relaxed.

That’s why I always recommend others to try and find the time to visit Lithuania’s seaside. There’s no need to organize fancy trips to restaurants that’ll empty your pocket. A simple picnic or just sitting down on the beach next to the dunes is amazing. You can listen to the sound of the wind and hear the waves crashing in the background. Even now, when I picture this landscape, I can feel the warm shivers running down my body.

Traveling Around the World

It’s no secret that traveling is one of the most amazing activities in life, and I’m not an exception. Seeing the world in different colors inspires me to meet new people and gain new experiences. When I turned sixteen, my life turned upside down. Thanks to my modeling career, I had the opportunity to travel to China and live independently. It wasn’t so easy at first, as I was missing my hometown. Naturally, my mother was eleven thousand kilometers away, and I had to forget her delicious homemade meals for a while.

The Wonders of Tokyo

After spending nearly four months in China, I set my wings to fly to Japan. To be more specific, I stayed in Tokyo. This was the most incredible travel experience in my career, but the whole trip didn’t go as smoothly as planned. I almost missed my flight back. Above all, I was heading back to my apartment after a shoot, and I had an hour left to pack up my things.

The Wonders of Tokyo

Time flew too fast, and I miscalculated my abilities to collect all my stuff. Long story short, I had to rush to the airport wearing indoor slippers. My backpack’s right side pocket was stacked with my high heels, and the other side pocket on the right carried my sneakers. Despite my slightly odd appearance, I made it on time and didn’t miss the bus to the airport or my flight. It’s kind of a funny story, though, at that time, my tears weren’t the kind from laughter. 

The Greatest Strength – Patience

I believe that you need a lot of skills to have a successful career. Undeniably, working at iDenfy provides a lot of opportunities. You can grow your competence by shifting through different departments. We have special workplace training very often, which doesn’t allow our minds to sleep. Sometimes, I catch myself storming through various tasks, which I believe isn’t the best thing. In truth, I’d like to improve my patience. You might find that surprising, but I absolutely hate procrastination, and I don’t know how others can handle last-minute work.

To Sum it Up

I’m one of those people who doesn’t wait for deadlines and completes their tasks as soon as they receive them. In time, my practice at iDenfy showed that such type of behavior isn’t always the right option. To sum it up, you can say that the faster you go, the bigger chances are that you’ll make a mistake. Of course, human error is natural, but I want to get as close to perfection as possible at work

This marks the end of Erika’s story. If you haven’t already and want to catch up, feel free to read our other articles on the people of iDenfy: Deividas, Gintarė, Viktor, and Raminta.

Remember, we’re always searching for new talents. Send us your resume here, and let’s have a chat!

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