How Viktas Got Interested in Technology as a Kid

Meet Viktas, iDenfy’s Mobile Application Developer, who’s passionate about technology and a bunch of other fascinating things.

Are you enjoying Summer as much as we are? Even though we aren’t planning to stop releasing new products and exciting, unique features, August is the third and, unfortunately, the last month of summer. Yet it’s the perfect time to recharge your batteries by appreciating the long, warm, joyful summer days. Today’s your lucky day, as we’re presenting another member of our technology-driven startup community! 

Let us introduce you to Viktas. The Mobile Application Developer describes himself as a calm and caring person. We’ll add that he has a great sense of humor and knows how to make people laugh in the office. Asked about his motto in life, Viktas explained that he goes by one golden rule: “When life gives you lemonade, make lemons.” Yes, by the way, you’ve read that correctly.

Quick Introduction

Hey there! It’s Viktas Juškys here. For those who don’t exactly know me, I’m responsible for application development, which means that I program, design, test, and develop all things related to our app to make it the perfect fit for our partners and customers. Typically, my friends describe me as a calm person on the outside, but let’s just say that I’m full of surprises on the inside. Guess you’ll have to read the whole article to find out. 

Early Passion for Construction and Design

Since I can remember, my love for technology has always been with me, even when I was a little kid. You can confidently say that I was always into tech stuff. I used to like to disassemble everything, starting from tiny toy cars and ending with old mobile phones. This was when I realized that I’d like to be either an IT specialist or work with cars when I grow up.

I don’t know exactly how to describe the feeling, but there’s something magical about creating something new practically from scratch. No wonder why many people today joined the Lego hype and like following the instructions and putting hundreds of pieces together into one unique design. 

Enjoying Technology and its Prospects

I believe that mobile app specialists are very valuable right now, as the market is in high demand, thanks to the widespread use of technology. While customers expect high-quality services, our job is to find new ways to achieve this goal. Needless to say, this situation requires many skilled IT professionals, and I absolutely agree that hard work pays off.

In my case, I’ve started working at iDenfy as a Junior Android Developer. Now, I’ve successfully moved to more challenging tasks and projects where I can gain experience and learn new skills in my Mid Mobile Application Developer role. I’ve learned how to be a great team player throughout the years. Outside work, I struggle a bit in connecting with new people. Regardless of that, I cherish the relationships between my friends and family, trying to remind them as often as possible that I am grateful for having them in my life. 

The Journey that Keeps on Giving 

I love the new challenges my team leader and our partners bring. The diversity of the tasks inspires me to expand my knowledge and understanding of my work here.  I’m always excited to show my effort. Of course, the best part is when I receive positive feedback, as it encourages me to move forward. That’s why every day differs, even though I have a work routine. Since I mostly work from home, my everyday routine starts early in the morning. It’s the best time to carry on with tasks individually and without any distractions. 

Turning an idea into a reality is the most satisfying part of my job. I’m glad my colleague and great friend Viktor gave me this chance at iDenfy three years ago. It all started with a random invite. I didn’t hesitate and picked up on this opportunity shortly after. Look at us now, iDenfy will be celebrating its fifth birthday soon, and for the majority of this journey, I’ve been part of the team and all of the outstanding achievements that we’ve accomplished together. 

Specific Habits to Stay Productive

Like everyone, I have my good days. On the more challenging days, I try to knock out my most difficult work when my brain is fresh in the mornings. I can’t say that this is a unique productivity hack because I feel like it’s a strategy that works for most people. If the weather is warm outside, I don’t get distracted. I’m one of those people who have a smile on their face as soon as the sun shines through the window. 

There are no secrets when it comes to keeping up your efficiency at work. A good night’s sleep is essential, as it helps me stay focused. When I work remotely, my dog Pepsis, aka my daily partner, tags along and sits on my lap while I focus on my job. When I say he’s my partner, I’m very serious. As soon as I start my computer, he comes beside me and starts to stare, which means he likes to join. 

iDenfy's Team Member Viktas

Naturally, you can’t work for eight hours straight, so let’s not forget that breaks between coding sessions are an absolute must for everyone, myself included. A cup of coffee always helps, especially on the days when a pile of issues and tasks come all at once. Thankfully, we have an amazing team that helps achieve the impossible. 

Spending Every Evening Outside 

Spending time in the world of technology is fun, but you always need to recharge in different scenery. After the whole day next to a computer screen, I log off and go outside to clear my head. Being in nature in the evenings gives me an extra energy boost. That’s how I fell in love with football. I used to play it every day when I was little.

Since I have always been a competitive person, I soon caught myself wanting to take it to the next level. That is when I started playing in a team and participating in professional tournaments. Believe it or not, I even managed to get into the official Kaunas football team when I was a teenager. Let’s just say that this sport will always have a soft spot in my heart.

And we’re all done with Viktas’ story. But wait. That’s not all! 

In case you’ve missed it, check out our other team members – Deividas, Gintarė, Erika, and Raminta. Read their insights about what it’s like to be part of the technology scene with iDenfy.

Feel free to drop us a message, as we’re constantly looking for talented tech geeks who could help us skyrocket even further by reaching new milestones.

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