What is the Difference Between CDD and EDD?

Businesses perform different levels of Know Your Customer (KYC) processes on their customers, namely Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD). To understand CDD and EDD better, we’ll discuss the differences and key aspects of how to ensure proper compliance for low-risk and high-risk customers.

Gabija Stankevičiūtė

E-commerce Fraud: Guide to Preventing Money Laundering with Identity Verification

Amazon, eBay, AliExpress. These are just a few of the household names that have been ruling the e-commerce world. While e-commerce has been successful in providing convenience to customers, it also poses challenges for businesses, such as fraud and money laundering. If left uncontrolled, e-commerce brands can face revenue loss and other major consequences.

Case Study: Residenture

Check out what steps Residenture took to build a fully automated onboarding flow, seamlessly verifying all auction participants and confirming that they have a residence permit in Switzerland.

DAC7 Directive: How Online Marketplaces Should Collect, Verify, and Report Their Data

In this article, we share the essentials about what the new regulation, DAC7, is and how it affects online marketplaces. Learn more about the EU tax transparency rules and prepare your business for the changes.

The Complete Sanctions Screening Guide [Updated 2024]

Sanctions refer to penalties or punishments imposed due to violating a law, rule, or order. That’s why associating with a sanctioned business is not only dangerous reputation-wise but also illegal. To prevent such consequences, sanctions screening helps identify and manage risks and stops the business from being exposed to unwanted criminal activity.

KYC in Real Estate: Here’s Your Compliance Checklist to Prevent Money Laundering

Know Your Customer (KYC) checks have become a crucial part of the buying process when it comes to real estate transactions. Even if real estate brokers and home buyers don’t necessarily want to undergo additional security measures, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations push businesses to ensure that no illegal activities are conducted in property sales.

Case Study: SupplierPlus

Find out how iDenfy’s AML screening and ongoing monitoring, as well as adverse media screening solutions helped SupplierPlus digitize its AML compliance workflow.

GPT-4: OpenAI Introduced a New Version of ChatGPT, But What’s Different?

TikTok, Reddit, and the whole internet are getting wild for the most popular chatbot created by OpenAI, the AI giants who managed to develop a system so powerful that people can’t stop talking about it since November 2022. Since the introduction of the latest version, GPT-4, a lot has changed in, once again, how we write outreach emails, generate code, do homework… And a whole bunch of other things — all powered by artificial intelligence.

What Is Adverse Media Screening? Effective Practice for AML Compliance

Adverse media refers to any negative or bad information published about brands, companies, and individuals in various media outlets. But why is it important? Well, first of all, screening negative news is crucial for businesses as it helps them steer clear of any association with harmful entities involved in money laundering or terrorist financing.

Know Your Business (KYB): Quick-Start Compliance Guide & FAQs

Verifying the legal status of a company, identifying its beneficial owners, and monitoring risks to ensure ongoing compliance are all important stages of Know Your Business verification. But this process remains a mystery to some organizations, often resulting in many challenges.

Learn about key differences between AML and KYC compliance

KYC and AML Compliance: Key Differences and Best Practices

KYC, AML, CDD… Similar but very different compliance terms that people tend to confuse. While regulations vary across countries and different areas, nowadays, not only financial institutions but many other businesses need to know the differences between the mentioned components to maintain effective Anti-Money Laundering programs.

Learn how to integrate identity verification in Shopify with Zappier

Identity verification in Shopify with Zapier

In this guide, you will learn how to integrate identity verification into your e-commerce website powered by Shopify within ~15 minutes. To make integration fully customizable on your end, we will use our official Zapier plugin to automate workflow.

Why You Should Spend More “Me” Time: Gabija’s Story About Balance And Persistence

How can you ensure that customers feel their needs are being met? Well, there are many factors. One of the key ones is that your business needs a responsible person who handles most one-on-one client interactions. At iDenfy, we have that person, and she’s one of the best people out there. Tag along to meet our Account Manager, Gabija Glušauskienė.